Ah, the wisdom tooth, nature’s little trickster. Hidden in the depths of our jaws, it lies dormant, biding its time, until one fateful day when it decides to emerge. But alas, it often brings chaos and discomfort to our mouths as it emerges from its deep slumber! You see, the wisdom tooth is like a rebellious teenager, refusing to conform to the limited space available. It pushes and shoves against its neighboring teeth, causing pain, infections, and a myriad of dental issues. So, removing the wisdom tooth is like banishing the troublemaker from our mouths, restoring peace and harmony. It is a rite of passage in many cultures, one that signifies bidding farewell to the mischievous molar and embracing a future without dental drama. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about wisdom tooth, including when to get it removed, how the process is performed, and what is the wisdom tooth removal price in Singapore today.
What are wisdom teeth and why do people get them?
Also known as third molars, the last set of teeth to develop in the mouth are called Wisdom Teeth. The timing as to their appearance may vary for each person, but they usually erupt between the ages of 17 and 25. These teeth were useful for our ancestors who had a diet that consisted of coarse foods, but with the evolution of our diet and smaller jaws, wisdom teeth have become more of a problem than a benefit.
Most adults have four wisdom teeth, one in each corner of the mouth. However, some individuals may have fewer or even none at all. The primary reason people get wisdom teeth is due to evolutionary factors. Our ancestors had larger jaws that could accommodate these extra teeth, but as our jaws have become smaller over time, there often isn’t enough space for wisdom teeth to fully emerge.
Common myths and misconceptions about wisdom teeth
There are several common myths and misconceptions surrounding wisdom teeth. One myth is that everyone needs to have their wisdom teeth removed. While it is true that many people do need their wisdom teeth removed, not everyone experiences issues with them. Another myth is that wisdom tooth removal is always a painful and complicated procedure. With advancements in dental technology and anesthesia, the procedure is now relatively quick and painless. It is important to separate fact from fiction and consult with a dental professional to make informed decisions about wisdom tooth removal.
Signs that indicate when a wisdom tooth needs to be removed
The good news for everybody is that not all wisdom teeth need to be removed. In some cases, they may grow in properly aligned and cause no issues. However, there are several signs that indicate when a wisdom tooth needs to be removed. These include pain or discomfort in the back of the mouth, swelling and redness around the gum line, difficulty opening the mouth, and infection or decay in the surrounding teeth.
The wisdom tooth removal process
The process of wisdom tooth removal typically involves a visit to an oral surgeon or a dentist trained in oral surgery. Before the procedure, the treatment area will be numb using local anesthesia. In some cases, general anesthesia may be used to allow the patient to sleep during the procedure. The surgeon then makes an incision in the gum tissue to expose the tooth and bone. For some people, the tooth may need to be divided into smaller pieces for easier removal. Once the tooth is extracted, stitches may be needed to close the incision. The entire process usually takes about an hour, but it can vary depending on the complexity of the case.
Aftercare and recovery post-wisdom tooth removal
After wisdom tooth removal, it is important to follow the aftercare instructions provided by the dentist or oral surgeon. This may include applying ice packs to reduce swelling, taking prescribed pain medication, and eating soft foods to avoid irritation of the surgical site. It is also advisable to avoid smoking, using a straw, or engaging in strenuous physical activity for a few days. The healing process typically takes about a week, during which time the patient may experience some discomfort and swelling. Regular check-ups with the dentist are important to monitor the healing progress and ensure there are no complications.
The cost of wisdom tooth removal in Singapore
Wisdom tooth removal price in Singapore can vary depending on various factors such as the complexity of the case, the number of teeth being removed, and the individual dental clinic. On average, the price for wisdom tooth removal in Singapore ranges from SGD 800 to SGD 2,500 per tooth. You will need to consult with a dentist or oral surgeon to get an accurate estimate of the cost based on your specific situation.
Alternative options to wisdom tooth removal
There may be alternative options to wisdom tooth removal. For example, if the wisdom teeth are impacted but not causing any symptoms or issues, the dentist may recommend monitoring them closely with regular check-ups and X-rays. If the wisdom teeth are partially erupted and causing recurrent infections, the dentist may recommend a procedure called operculectomy, which involves removing the gum tissue that covers the partially erupted tooth. However, these alternative options may not be suitable for everyone, and wisdom tooth removal may still be necessary in many cases.
Wisdom teeth can be a source of discomfort and potential dental issues, so you to be aware of what what they are and why they cause problems in order to be able to make informed decisions about their removal. You should pay attention to signs that indicate when a wisdom tooth needs to be removed and consult with a dental professional for proper evaluation and treatment. With proper care and guidance, wisdom tooth removal can be a relatively straightforward procedure that leads to improved oral health and overall well-being. Your oral health is important, and addressing issues with wisdom teeth can help prevent further complications down the line.
Dennis Tan Dental
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RB Capital Building
Phone: +65 6438 5622
Whatsapp: +65 8874 7681